Monday, May 13, 2013

T'was a good week

hey ya'll

This week was insane first off we met a ton of interesting people this week unfortunately we aren't teaching any of them but it was pretty cool to meet them! we met a legit dumpster diver this week! I was on an exchange with elder Potter and we were contacting a gas station, he was over by the dumpster so we went and talked to him. we started talking to him and he asked do you guys love jesus? and i was kinda confused with why he was asking i thought he was going to turn around and bash with us but anyway i answered him yeah i love jesus. and he yells YEAH? ME TO! I LOVE JESUS AND I PRAY TO HIM EVERYDAY! and then he asked us to come talk to him while he works. so he went to the dumpster and started looking through it and we talked about god and our message and as we were trying to leave he's said now keep doing what you're doing its great! but whenever someone says the big guy or the guy up stairs make sure to tell them its god almighty not the big guy. then he started yelling again " and don't be afraid to yell and proclain to the world, I LOVE JESUS and I LOVE GOD!! haha it was awesome we couldnt get a return appointment but he was deffinately a cool dude.

Then there was a baptism that the zone leaders had last weekend so we were trying to find a person to come to it on thrusday after we found out about it at district meeting. we couldn't find nobody but then we desided to text one of our eternigators jake, he's basically a dry mormon he believes everything just doesn't come to church all that often and hasn't been baptized. and he's really hard to get in with so we just desided to text him and see if he wanted to come. and surprisingly enough he said he would come. then later that night at like 11 i think i was laying there awake for some reason when the phone goes off... i role over and see what it says and its jake and he says "can i get baptized on saturday?" and i was half asleep but it was still really cool unfortunately we had to say no but you can in a few weeks. so we're setting a bap calendar up with him this week so thats way sweet!

all in all it was a great normal week in the mission can't wait for more this week! I love it!
Love ya'll

-Elder Scott
Oh i forgot to tell you about something else! so on friday it was pouring all day!!!! Like there was so much rain some of the highways out here were closed down because of flooding!!!! it was crazy!!! luckly that was the day we did weekly planning so we didn't have to be outside all day in the rain. but after weekly planning we did end up going contacting in the rain! it was awesome! I'm glad i have a rain jacket! but i didn't have an umbrella so my hair was drenched within like 30 seconds of being outside. when we were close to being done a random guy pulled up and gave me a umbrella! and then it turned out that he was a former we had been trying to see for many weeks and couldn't ever get a hold of so supper cool blessing right there and we actually saw him this morning before emails and he is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO smaart literaly he was teaching us it was a sweet lesson! but he understands and believes everything of our church I can't wait to teach him again.

. this is just a picture of us at the temple unfortunately we haven't been able to go in yet.

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