Sunday, June 16, 2013

Great Things In The GKLM

June 10, 2013
Sup ya'll
Well first off Brooklyn wins with the best birthday present. I got a letter from all of the Hill kids and in it there were a bunch of pictures the they had drawn for me, I loved all of them, and there was also 11$ on the one dollar bill there was a sticky note that said, "from Brooklyn for your Birthday. (Her Tooth Fairy Money)" man there was no better birthday present I could've got than that it made my eyes "leak" for a while. Someone better let her know how much that ment to me and how much I love her, cuz that was the best!
Second Elder Kidd is getting transfered... My Dad is leaving! I'm so nervous! cuz that means I'm in charge for the next little bit until the new Elder gets used to it here... Scary but its exciting. Good news I'm not loosing my car!!!!! I got a bike though for the best price ever! Free! I got it from a elder who is dying at transfers. My area is getting cut in two though so I won't have the whole county to cover anymore just half of it. So exciting things are happening.
Third Jennifer got her answer! SHE WANTS TO BE BAPTIZED!!!!!!! best news all week she got her answer while we were teaching her! we were talking about baptism again and what it means and I kept getting this feeling to talk about confermation and recieving the gift of the holy ghost. and when i finally desided to act on the impression the whole lesson dinamic changed. The spirit level just sky rocketed! IT WAS AWESOME! After we finished explaining the Gift of the Holy ghost she said I need that I want to be baptized!!!!!!!! SO AWESOME!!!!!! it was a great lesson now we just have to help her quit smoking... but I think that will come easier now that this is something she wants to do!
I'm not sure what else to write about nothing else amazing happened this week but it still was great!
till next week
-Elder Scott 
Me and Brother Spradlin trying out bannanas to see if they get rid of head aches

A rainy day Luckly we were weekly planning. thats what out of my appartment looks like

 My district this transfer!

The Tullis Family and Us, we don't get to see them any more because of the area split :( they were one of my favorite fams

 The Dollar Brooklyn Gave ME!!!!

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