Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I'm 19!!! i can go on a mission now!!! oh... wait...

May 28, 2013
Sup Ya'll
This week.... well this week was a pretty good one we had alot of good happen this week... and alot of weird. one thing that happened this week was I survived a real life round of angry birds!!!! so we were driving in our car on thursday and all the sudden you hear a THUD!!!! and then there was a bunch of red feathers on the wind shield! how cool is that we got attacked by and angry bird! not really a cardinal just desided to fly into our car. but still it was pretty funny.
so I can't remember If i told you about Andy or not but a little background on him he is supper smart. he knows more about the book of mormon than me and elder kidd combined and man he is just a boss! but anyway he's a former ivestigator we picked up a couple weeks ago. we've taught him twice since we met him and every time its just an awesome experience. he wants to be baptized!!!! and his family does to!!!! what up!!!!! man they are such an exemplary family they are litteraly the Nicest people in the world and well let me go back a little so we had been going through the formers in the area book and there wasn't a drop reason for andy so we thought that was weird and we decided to try and go meet him. but we could never get ahold of him. so we kinda gave up hope for picking him up again but then one very rainy day i didn't have an umbrella and i was just walking around in my rain jacket while elder kidd had an umbrella and a rain jacket so we had stopped to talk to a guy that had just had his car over heat so we were talking to him and andy pulls up gives me an umbrella says it looks like you need one of these and then tell the guy we're talking with that he can help fix the problem with his car and then we got an appointment with him!!!! miracles happen!!!! even when you're being dumb and just not wanting to carry an umbrella!!!
then also we had dinner with the Bednars this week... they're an awesome family you but man their kids are so mormon its awesome we were talking about the plan of salvation and their kids knew where the scriptures about the 3 kingdoms were found. which i didn't even know until that morning when i decided to brush up on everything about the Plan of Salvation. but holy cow talk about well learned kids. but i guess thats what happens when your grandpa is an apostle.
but thats all for this week love ya'll!

there was an airshow so I took a picture of it.

 I caught a fish that was actually worth keeping!!! but... I let it go

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