Sunday, June 16, 2013

June 3 2013

Sup Ya'll
This week was a pretty good week. It was my birthday! so it had to be a good day! on my birthday I got to sit around and write letters for once! that was good because i haven't got to sit down and really write a letter to everyone since I got out to the field because elder Kidd likes to do stuff on p-day... so usually we're playing basket ball or fishing or something. then after p-day was over we went and tried to see some people all of our appointments fell through like pretty much every other day. BUT we did meet this guy who is moving out here from utah and he took us to TACO BELL for dinner!!!!! little did he know he saved me like 5 bucks cuz thats what i was going to do for myself anyway!!!! it made my day.
Then we had a great week for finding this week we had 7 new investigators throughout the week!!!! WHATS UP!!!! that usually doesnt happen! we usually have 2 or 3 and then they fall through we've only had 2 of these fall through so there is potential!!! So we had a lesson with a new investigator named michelle she's pretty cool we brought brother Kohli, the guy that took us to taco bell, to the lesson with us because he said if we ever need help give him a text because he's bach-padding it up until his house sells in utah so he came with us and man this guy was a BOSSSSSS he was stinking legit!!!  the lesson went prefectly we set a baptism date and everything man every flowed perfectly, there's not really a way to describe a perfect lesson like that! it was awesome!
so this morning we helped set up the new appartment in our area... at transfer so next week if i don't get transfered our area is getting split and i will be on a bike its going to be awesome and hot!!!! I already come in soaked with sweat after a good long days work. I'm excited to see how it is going to be after a good long day sweating on a bike its going to be sweeet!!!! its going to be a good experience so i'm going to have to go buy a bike YAY! i can't wait!
till next week
-Elder Scott

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