Monday, April 22, 2013

Here Comes The Thunder!

Hey guys!

Well this week was great. There were so many great things that happened, Both spiritual and non-spiritual! so on the spiritual missionary work side of everything we showed our investigator rebecca the restoration video (the hour long one) and she loved every bit of it. She soaked everything up and just loved it! After she had some questions about it and some stuff she had heard about the church, We answered them and she has been reading the BoM! She's progressing so much and I love seeing the change in her, and the joy that the Gospel that has brought into her life already!

So I talked about Jen last week right? well saturday we had a lesson with her and a Sister from the ward came and helped us teach. Man the spirit was so strong! I love it! we ended up not teaching what we thought we were going to teach but since the spirit was there the lesson just flowed. We taught by the spirit and it was SOOOOOO COOLLLLL!!! to be completely honest I don't remember most of what I said but after Sister A told me that she thought that what I had said was exactly what jen needed to hear... Now if only I could remember what I had said. Oh well

so kinda spiritual not really story we were out just IQing this past week and we got called to repentance twice it was.... interesting to say the least. the first one was by a JW, Jehovah's Witness, He called us to repentance because we celebrated Christmas and Easter then the second was from a South East Christan He was trying to explain to us how we worship a differtent Jesus than him I didn't understand half the things he was trying to explain, but thats how it is whenever we talk to south east people down here. South East Anti's so many people its awesome.

Now time for just the fun/funny things that heppened this week. well we went fishing last monday and it didn't go as well as we had hoped it would but we did catch stuff... once we started hobo style fishing, fishing with just some line, a hook, and a little bait, but anyway so Elder Kidd couldnt catch anything and Elder Potter was Catching stuff left and right because he was hobo fishing he was only catching blue gill but he was still catching stuff. but Elder Kidd was mad so he decided to slap the fish Elder Potter had just caught. well the fish ended up doing more damge to Elder Kidd then him to it. blue gill have really sharp fins and well it cut elder kid's hand pretty good It was supper funny.

Another awesome thing that we were able to do this week was go to Thunder Over Louisville which is during the day an airshow then at night it is the biggest firework show in the nNation. man it was awesome! Imagine the end of the WJ 4th of july Fire work show times 10 over a river, with music in the background, going for 45 mins the pictures i took of it don't do it justice I say go to youtube search Thunder over louisville and watch it because it was awesome!

Well that all For this week til next week Keep Being Amzing

-Elder Scott

Monday, April 15, 2013

I thought I was just in here.....

Hey guys!

Man this week went by so fast and I've loved every second of it. There is no where i would rather be than right here right now. Elder Kidd and I are finnaly having more than one or two things schedueled for the week. We have been finding people to teach and we are getting so much help from the ward! Things are going to turn around in this area I'm so excited.

Well this week was interviews with president and man President and Sister Woodbury are such awesome people there is nothing better than getting to talk to them! Interviews went great and we got some good Ideas of how to start moving the area along better and faster. Guess what!! they're already working!!!! In the last week we surpassed anything we have been doing and are getting things roling along. We still didn't have anyone at church though which was dissapointing BUT!!!! This week already looks like we will be able to have several people there!!! I'm quite excited and so pleased with how many people we have been able to find this week!!! Its so exciting!!!!

this week we started teaching 2 women in that have had a hard life to say the least and are looking to change and they are looking to god for that change man its just amazing how god has prepared some people. Listening to the stories of these two women is just incredible I dn't think I could look for god if I went through what they went through. I think i would be angry with him. It is just amzing how prepared they are to hear the gosple. as we were teaching them they just suck EVERYTHING up I mean they still have questions and concerns about things but they are willing and ready to learn I can't wait till the next time we get to teach them.

Guess what I'm doing today!!! I'm going fishing!!!!!!! I'm so excited for it one of the members has a pond in their yard and told us to come and go fishing on P-day so thats what we're doing!!! It will be a good change from basket ball. you know i love basket ball as much as the next guy that isn't very good at it but fishing just sounds like alot more fun.

well thats all for now
-Elder Scott

Sunday, April 14, 2013


The Week of Everything

Hey guys so guess what!

conference was awesome!! I loved it! we watched most of it at the church and it was basically just missionaries there but one session yesterday we were supposed to go over to a member's house and have an investigator there to watch it too but low and behold our investigator got sick so she wasnt able to make it BUT we still went and watched it with the members and it was a good change. and we are hopefully teaching the investigator today so we can show her one conference talk that applied perfectly to her. but that should work out great. so going along with conference JASON, JOSH, SARAH in the Priesthood session David L. Beck said "next time your mom asks you to do something respond 'thank you for asking mom, I'll do that right away' and then drop what you are doing and do it" I think you guys should try it and let me know what mom does OK????? Deal I'll be asking mom what she thought of the great things you guys did so you better do it!

so something that Elder Kidd thought was hilarious and i didn't because it was a mind fart on me but you guys might get a laugh out of it. so after a long day we were tracting and I was pretty tired, so one of the approaches we do for tracting is called the pray approach where we state we are repetitiveness of Christ and we would like to leave the savior peace and blessing on the family and their home through a prayer and then you pray with them then explain a little about the restoration of the gospel or something and try to set up a return appointment so anyway i go up to the house knock on the door and try this approach but as i am saying we would like to leave the saviors peace and blessing on their family and home they morph and i say we would like to leave the savior's peace and blessing on your phone..... and she just looked at me funny because i didn't realize what i had said so i kinda felt retarded it was great.

So out here it is pretty hard not to follow march madness definitely when Louisville is in the final and one of their players breaks their leg yup i saw that video it was really bad. whenever we are tracting and Louisville is playing you can almost garenty that you will have at least half the people say they don't have time for you because the game is on and you can't schedule appointments with people because the game is on its pretty great. but i'm not complaining because it also gives you something to talk to people about to help them realize you're not a complete wierdo haha oh well

well guys until next week love ya'll keep doing great

-elder scott

me and Ali's Dad at the Airport

Treavor, Elder kid, and me


Treavor, elder kid, treavor's family, and me

The work is coming along!

Hey guys,
So this week I had my first baptism.
It was pretty awesome, sorry i forgot my usb cable or i would upload a picture.
Also this week we did exchanges with the ZL's (Zone Leaders) so i went with elder thomas and elder kidd went with elder Rigbee.
It was a neat experience, it was nice to see A different missionary at work than my trainer.
We went to his area and just had a regular day for him.
We went to see some people had appointments fall through ended up just going contacting in apartments.
IT was AWESOME black people are my favorite.
So after that we went to some more appointments and taught a few people, went and gave a blessing, and then went and taught some more lessons.
It was a very full day.
One of the guys we were teaching was just into it and soaking everything up and i just wanted to keep teaching but...
time was up and we had to switch back.
I was very happy with that day and it was very exciting.
Another cool story this week was we started to teach Rebecca on Monday, well she is what you would call a "Golden Investigator" she asks all the right questions and she is just ready for the Gospel.
We taught her the restoration and MAN was the spirit strong!
It was there and you could tell, and you could tell she could tell, AND wabam Baptism date for may 24th!
I Know that its not set in stone but i believe with all my heart that if she puts forth the effort she will be baptized on that date!
Well she is already on the way there she came to church yesterday, and all the talks applied right for her!!
The lord works miracles!!!!
It was pretty awesome!
So Little more on Elder Kidd, I've decided we are exactly opposite.
He's a byu fan, compair to lance jewkes, and then you have him.
He's balding, he's an orchestra kid
I had more but I need to hurry up, but there is one thing we agree on.
Batman is the best!!!
Haha its pretty fun.
We get everything done that needs to be accomplished.
but i think thats all for right now so.
love ya'll
-Elder Scott