Monday, April 22, 2013

Here Comes The Thunder!

Hey guys!

Well this week was great. There were so many great things that happened, Both spiritual and non-spiritual! so on the spiritual missionary work side of everything we showed our investigator rebecca the restoration video (the hour long one) and she loved every bit of it. She soaked everything up and just loved it! After she had some questions about it and some stuff she had heard about the church, We answered them and she has been reading the BoM! She's progressing so much and I love seeing the change in her, and the joy that the Gospel that has brought into her life already!

So I talked about Jen last week right? well saturday we had a lesson with her and a Sister from the ward came and helped us teach. Man the spirit was so strong! I love it! we ended up not teaching what we thought we were going to teach but since the spirit was there the lesson just flowed. We taught by the spirit and it was SOOOOOO COOLLLLL!!! to be completely honest I don't remember most of what I said but after Sister A told me that she thought that what I had said was exactly what jen needed to hear... Now if only I could remember what I had said. Oh well

so kinda spiritual not really story we were out just IQing this past week and we got called to repentance twice it was.... interesting to say the least. the first one was by a JW, Jehovah's Witness, He called us to repentance because we celebrated Christmas and Easter then the second was from a South East Christan He was trying to explain to us how we worship a differtent Jesus than him I didn't understand half the things he was trying to explain, but thats how it is whenever we talk to south east people down here. South East Anti's so many people its awesome.

Now time for just the fun/funny things that heppened this week. well we went fishing last monday and it didn't go as well as we had hoped it would but we did catch stuff... once we started hobo style fishing, fishing with just some line, a hook, and a little bait, but anyway so Elder Kidd couldnt catch anything and Elder Potter was Catching stuff left and right because he was hobo fishing he was only catching blue gill but he was still catching stuff. but Elder Kidd was mad so he decided to slap the fish Elder Potter had just caught. well the fish ended up doing more damge to Elder Kidd then him to it. blue gill have really sharp fins and well it cut elder kid's hand pretty good It was supper funny.

Another awesome thing that we were able to do this week was go to Thunder Over Louisville which is during the day an airshow then at night it is the biggest firework show in the nNation. man it was awesome! Imagine the end of the WJ 4th of july Fire work show times 10 over a river, with music in the background, going for 45 mins the pictures i took of it don't do it justice I say go to youtube search Thunder over louisville and watch it because it was awesome!

Well that all For this week til next week Keep Being Amzing

-Elder Scott

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