Monday, April 15, 2013

I thought I was just in here.....

Hey guys!

Man this week went by so fast and I've loved every second of it. There is no where i would rather be than right here right now. Elder Kidd and I are finnaly having more than one or two things schedueled for the week. We have been finding people to teach and we are getting so much help from the ward! Things are going to turn around in this area I'm so excited.

Well this week was interviews with president and man President and Sister Woodbury are such awesome people there is nothing better than getting to talk to them! Interviews went great and we got some good Ideas of how to start moving the area along better and faster. Guess what!! they're already working!!!! In the last week we surpassed anything we have been doing and are getting things roling along. We still didn't have anyone at church though which was dissapointing BUT!!!! This week already looks like we will be able to have several people there!!! I'm quite excited and so pleased with how many people we have been able to find this week!!! Its so exciting!!!!

this week we started teaching 2 women in that have had a hard life to say the least and are looking to change and they are looking to god for that change man its just amazing how god has prepared some people. Listening to the stories of these two women is just incredible I dn't think I could look for god if I went through what they went through. I think i would be angry with him. It is just amzing how prepared they are to hear the gosple. as we were teaching them they just suck EVERYTHING up I mean they still have questions and concerns about things but they are willing and ready to learn I can't wait till the next time we get to teach them.

Guess what I'm doing today!!! I'm going fishing!!!!!!! I'm so excited for it one of the members has a pond in their yard and told us to come and go fishing on P-day so thats what we're doing!!! It will be a good change from basket ball. you know i love basket ball as much as the next guy that isn't very good at it but fishing just sounds like alot more fun.

well thats all for now
-Elder Scott

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