Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Week of Everything

Hey guys so guess what!

conference was awesome!! I loved it! we watched most of it at the church and it was basically just missionaries there but one session yesterday we were supposed to go over to a member's house and have an investigator there to watch it too but low and behold our investigator got sick so she wasnt able to make it BUT we still went and watched it with the members and it was a good change. and we are hopefully teaching the investigator today so we can show her one conference talk that applied perfectly to her. but that should work out great. so going along with conference JASON, JOSH, SARAH in the Priesthood session David L. Beck said "next time your mom asks you to do something respond 'thank you for asking mom, I'll do that right away' and then drop what you are doing and do it" I think you guys should try it and let me know what mom does OK????? Deal I'll be asking mom what she thought of the great things you guys did so you better do it!

so something that Elder Kidd thought was hilarious and i didn't because it was a mind fart on me but you guys might get a laugh out of it. so after a long day we were tracting and I was pretty tired, so one of the approaches we do for tracting is called the pray approach where we state we are repetitiveness of Christ and we would like to leave the savior peace and blessing on the family and their home through a prayer and then you pray with them then explain a little about the restoration of the gospel or something and try to set up a return appointment so anyway i go up to the house knock on the door and try this approach but as i am saying we would like to leave the saviors peace and blessing on their family and home they morph and i say we would like to leave the savior's peace and blessing on your phone..... and she just looked at me funny because i didn't realize what i had said so i kinda felt retarded it was great.

So out here it is pretty hard not to follow march madness definitely when Louisville is in the final and one of their players breaks their leg yup i saw that video it was really bad. whenever we are tracting and Louisville is playing you can almost garenty that you will have at least half the people say they don't have time for you because the game is on and you can't schedule appointments with people because the game is on its pretty great. but i'm not complaining because it also gives you something to talk to people about to help them realize you're not a complete wierdo haha oh well

well guys until next week love ya'll keep doing great

-elder scott

me and Ali's Dad at the Airport

Treavor, Elder kid, and me


Treavor, elder kid, treavor's family, and me

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