Sunday, April 14, 2013

The work is coming along!

Hey guys,
So this week I had my first baptism.
It was pretty awesome, sorry i forgot my usb cable or i would upload a picture.
Also this week we did exchanges with the ZL's (Zone Leaders) so i went with elder thomas and elder kidd went with elder Rigbee.
It was a neat experience, it was nice to see A different missionary at work than my trainer.
We went to his area and just had a regular day for him.
We went to see some people had appointments fall through ended up just going contacting in apartments.
IT was AWESOME black people are my favorite.
So after that we went to some more appointments and taught a few people, went and gave a blessing, and then went and taught some more lessons.
It was a very full day.
One of the guys we were teaching was just into it and soaking everything up and i just wanted to keep teaching but...
time was up and we had to switch back.
I was very happy with that day and it was very exciting.
Another cool story this week was we started to teach Rebecca on Monday, well she is what you would call a "Golden Investigator" she asks all the right questions and she is just ready for the Gospel.
We taught her the restoration and MAN was the spirit strong!
It was there and you could tell, and you could tell she could tell, AND wabam Baptism date for may 24th!
I Know that its not set in stone but i believe with all my heart that if she puts forth the effort she will be baptized on that date!
Well she is already on the way there she came to church yesterday, and all the talks applied right for her!!
The lord works miracles!!!!
It was pretty awesome!
So Little more on Elder Kidd, I've decided we are exactly opposite.
He's a byu fan, compair to lance jewkes, and then you have him.
He's balding, he's an orchestra kid
I had more but I need to hurry up, but there is one thing we agree on.
Batman is the best!!!
Haha its pretty fun.
We get everything done that needs to be accomplished.
but i think thats all for right now so.
love ya'll
-Elder Scott

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